Friday 23 February 2018

Welcome back to a lovely week!


What a lovely first week back. We have been very busy. 

We have seen some amazing work this week in English. We have all been authors. After reading lots of Katie Morag stories, we made a story plan and created our own Katie Morag story. There were some amazing adventures that Katie went on and the most fantastic work was produced by all children showing great persevering skills.

In Maths we have been working on word problems, both addition and subtraction. We read the question and thought about what the important information was. We then wrote the number sentence and also use jottings (dots) to help us work out the answer. 
We also explored addition with dominoes and recorded information in pairs, we loved this activity!

In Topic we have been learning all about Poland, we learnt the capital city is Warsaw, we know that they money they use is called zloty and Benjamin helped us pronounce 'yes' which is 'tak' and 'no' which is 'nie'. We also tried a Polish snack called paluszki which are like pretzel sticks. They were yummy!

In PE we were practising our chest pass, our bounce pass and our over head pass with a partner. Some of us still do not have a PE kit in school, please remember this next week as we do PE every Monday and Friday.

This afternoon we have welcomed a new member of Oak class. We are very happy to have Barney in our class and look forward to him starting on Monday.

This week Plop has been so impressed with the amazing writing that has been happening in Oak class and he was very happy to see that Jake has really persevered and improved his writing. Well done Jake.
The star award this week is going to someone that shows that he is a good friend by supporting others. Well done Cai.

Next week is Book Week so you can bring in your favourite book from home to keep in school all week. 
On Friday next week, you can bring in a cushion from home as we are going to be reading as a whole school in the hall.
There is no art club next week, this will resume as normal the week after.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Love Oak Class

1 comment:

  1. James - "I have enjoyed meeting Barney and I liked trying the pretzel sticks from Poland and learning new words in Polish"


Welcome Back...Time!

Hello, We can't quite believe we've only been back at school for four days! We have managed to squeeze a lot of learning in.  In...