Friday 8 June 2018

Welcome Back...Time!


We can't quite believe we've only been back at school for four days! We have managed to squeeze a lot of learning in. 

In Maths this week we have been learning about time, we have learnt there are 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in a minute. We made a giant clock and made different times and thought about what the time would be in half an hour or three quarters of an hour. We enjoyed it so much lots of us wanted to make our very own clocks in learning through play. We will continue looking at time next week.

In English we are reading a story called 'Shh! We have a plan!' which we all really enjoyed. We especially enjoy the part where one of the characters says 'Hello birdy!'. This week we were thinking about the different characters in the story and their personalities. We are also getting very good at using the word because in sentences to explain our thinking.

In Topic we are learning about old and new transports and made a timeline. In Computing we have been thinking about what makes a good photo and used the technical word composition. 
In Games we are thinking about Sports Day and today we practised some running races. We do PE every Monday and Friday, please make sure PE kits are in school and that plimsolls still fit as we will need to wear them on Sports Day. 

We got Paddington this week for the best attendance - well done Oak Class!

This week Plop our learning owl wanted to go home with Noah Beg this week as he always tries his best with his learning and has done some fantastic writing this week. Well done Noah!

The star of the week goes to Barney who has really persevered with his writing and he has noticed all the improvements he has made. Well done Barney!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Love Oak Class

Coin challenge ends on Wednesday 13th June
Green day - Friday 15th June wearing SCHOOL UNIFORM. We will also have a picnic on the field, if your child usually has school dinner, we will provide a packed lunch.

Welcome Back...Time!

Hello, We can't quite believe we've only been back at school for four days! We have managed to squeeze a lot of learning in.  In...